Prepare For a Commercial Insurance Inspection Process

An inspection of your commercial buildings and land will determine the level of coverage that your commercial insurance policy should provide and identify any issues that require your attention. Use the following steps to prepare for an upcoming commercial inspection.


The inspection will reveal the current state of each building on your land and determine the status of your land. During an inspection, structural, electrical, and plumbing materials will be assessed.

An inspector may test the drainage conditions of the land. The results of the inspection will determine the risk of insuring your place of business and influence the level of insurance coverage that you will need to adequately protect your buildings and land.

Cleaning Steps

Prepare your buildings and land for the upcoming inspection. Walk through each building, removing loose items that are in the way. If there are any dirty surfaces that could hinder the inspection process, clean them.

Walk around outdoors. Move loose items and place them in a secure area. If the exterior of each building is dirty, use a hose to rinse it off. Ensuring that your property is clean and orderly will support a smooth inspection process.

Inspection Process

A representative from your insurance company will schedule a time to complete the inspection. You may need to be present during the actual inspection. At the end of the inspection, you will have the opportunity to consult with the representative.

Contact TAS Insurance Agency

Ensure that your commercial buildings and land are always adequately insured. Contact one of our TAS Insurance Agency representatives. An agent who serves Phillipsburg, NJ, will schedule an appointment for you.

Do You Need Commercial Insurance for Your New Jersey Business?

Our agents at the TAS Insurance Agency serving the Phillipsburg, NJ area know how hard you have worked to open your own business. This is the reason they want to help ensure that your business is covered by the proper amount of commercial insurance.

Do You Need Commercial Insurance for Your New Jersey Business?

All New Jersey businesses that have one or more employees are required to have a workers’ compensation insurance policy in place, or they can be approved for self-insurance. This type of insurance will help pay the wages and medical bills of employees who are injured on the job.

All vehicles owned by your business or personal vehicles used for business purposes must have a commercial liability auto insurance policy in place. This will help pay for any injuries or property damage that may occur if you or own of your employees is involved in an accident.

Commercial Liability Insurance

Commercial liability insurance is very important to have when you own a business. This is because it will protect your interest in your business if someone is injured while visiting your business or because of your business. For example, if someone slips and falls in your store, this type of policy will help pay for their medical bills and can help you out if litigation occurs in court. Another example would be if you own a tree trimming business and a branch falls on someone’s vehicle. This type of insurance would help pay for the damages to their car, truck, or SUV.

Commercial Property Insurance

This type of insurance is important to protect not only the building that your business is housed in but your inventory as well. If your business or inventory is damaged or destroyed by a fire, vandalism, or a natural disaster, this part of your commercial insurance policy will help you rebuild and get your business back on track. This will also help you replace any inventory that’s been lost to one of these events or because of theft so that you can protect your livelihood.

Call for a Quote!

Call our agents at the TAS Insurance Agency serving the Phillipsburg, NJ area today to get your policy started and protect your business!

Does Your Small Business Need Commercial Insurance?

As owners of TAS Insurance Agency in Phillipsburg, NJ, we understand the importance of commercial insurance for small businesses. The right insurance coverage can give you peace of mind and assurance that your business has the protection it needs.

Protecting Against Unexpected Events

Unexpected events can happen no matter how small or well-established your business is. Commercial insurance can help protect your business against risks like property damage, theft, and liability claims. Without commercial insurance, your business could be vulnerable to financial losses and lawsuits.

Meeting Legal Requirements

Whether you are legally required to have commercial insurance or not, having it can provide peace of mind and protect your business from potential legal issues. However, in some states, including New Jersey, commercial insurance is legally required for firms. For example, if your company has employees, you may need to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover medical costs if an injury occurs to an employee on the job.

Building Trust with Customers

Having commercial insurance can also help build trust with your customers. Showing customers that your business is fully insured is one way to show your commitment to protecting their interests and being prepared to handle unexpected situations. This can help build customer trust and increase their confidence in your business.

Give Us A Call

At TAS Insurance Agency, we offer a range of commercial insurance policies to meet the unique needs of small businesses in Phillipsburg, NJ. Whether you are looking for liability coverage, property insurance, or workers’ compensation, we have you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial insurance options and how we can help protect your business.

How Commercial Insurance Can Help Protect Your Small Business

Commercial insurance protects businesses from financial losses due to events such as natural disasters, terrorism, and business interruptions. It can also protect companies against lawsuits and damage caused by third-party accidents or acts. TAS Insurance Agency, serving the greater Phillipsburg, NJ community, is here to answer your queries. 

Why Is Commercial Insurance Important for My Business?

Startups and small business owners choose commercial insurance policies to safeguard their small businesses from financial loss in the face of unexpected business interruption or work stoppage that is out of the owner’s control.

Below are answers to common questions about why New Jersey small business owners protect their businesses with commercial insurance.

What coverage can commercial insurance provide in natural disasters?

Insurance provides financial protection in a natural disaster (like an earthquake), terrorist attack, or other catastrophic events.

What protection does commercial insurance offer against technology-related disruptions?

Business insurance can help mitigate risk from unexpected business disruptions (like cyberattacks).

What financial protection does commercial insurance provide?

Insurance can protect against lawsuits and financial losses resulting from incidents with third-party customers or suppliers.

How Can Commercial Insurance Help My NJ Small Business?

There are various types and levels of commercial insurance available to small businesses, so it’s important to speak with an agent specializing in this area to find the right coverage for your business.

Common features of commercial insurance coverage include liability insurance, property damage insurance, contract enforcement services (like credit monitoring), and business interruption coverage.

Contact Us Today

Commercial insurance is a valuable tool that can help safeguard your company against potential financial disasters. Speak with an agent at TAS Insurance Agency to learn about the best coverage options for business owners in the Phillipsburg, NJ area!

Required Commercial Insurance in New Jersey

Each state has its own laws regarding which types of commercial insurance its businesses are required to have. In New Jersey, there are two types of commercial insurance that are required of many businesses. To get the commercial insurance that your business needs, give us a call now at TAS Insurance Agency in Phillipsburg, NJ.  

Required Commercial Insurance: What You Need To Know

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

This is a type of insurance that pays for the medical bills and other costs associated with an employee becoming injured or sick at work. In New Jersey, it also gives injured parties disability benefits. Having this insurance is required for any New Jersey business that has any number of employees whether they are full or part-time. This coverage is important for businesses to have both because it’s required and because it offers significant protection for their businesses if an accident does happen. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

If your New Jersey business owns a vehicle, that vehicle must have a commercial auto policy on it. That policy must have a number of types of coverage within it. These include having personal injury protection coverage to pay for your injuries after an accident. Two amounts are required for bodily injury liability, one for one person and one for everyone who is injured. The state also mandates that you have property damage liability. All of these amounts are small when compared with other states, and it’s often recommended that you get a higher amount of coverage than is required so that you can pay for a serious accident if one should occur. 

Get Your Commercial Insurance Policies

In addition to your required insurance policies, there are likely other types of commercial coverage that would be helpful for protecting your business from lawsuits and liability. When you need coverage, contact us at TAS Insurance Agency in Phillipsburg, NJ.

Why do businesses need commercial insurance in New Jersey?

For an aspiring business owner, finding a great community to open in is very important. When you are looking for a new town to start your business, Phillipsburg, NJ is a great option to consider. This part of New Jersey offers a lot of advantages to business owners including a strong economy and a good population base. If you do start a company here, you will need to have commercial insurance. A commercial insurance plan is needed for businesses for various reasons. 

Ensure Compliance with Requirements

An important reason that businesses may need to have commercial insurance is so they can remain in compliance with various requirements. Businesses today will sign formal agreements with many parties, each of which will want to ensure the business stays viable. These can include leaders, lessors, and investors. Carrying a proper commercial insurance plan protects a business and will be required by these stakeholders. 

Support the Business

You also will want to get commercial insurance for your business to support the organization. Any business today will take on various risks that can include losing core assets or being named liable in an accident. In any of these situations, you can be properly protected with commercial insurance. This plan will give you both commercial property and liability coverage, which can prove to be a good investment. 

As you are looking to build a commercial insurance plan, you can find there are a lot of choices that you will need to make. To ensure that your Phillipsburg, NJ business has the right commercial insurance plan in place, calling TAS Insurance Agency is a good option to consider. The team with the TAS Insurance Agency will provide various solutions that will help you and your business remain appropriately covered with an insurance plan. 

Why Commercial Insurance is an Asset for Your Business

If you want your Phillipsburg, NJ business to withstand the test of time, investing in commercial insurance is a no-brainer. Buying business insurance cushions you against mishaps that could wipe your hard-earned business. Still struggling to give out that commercial insurance check? Here are more reasons to invest in commercial insurance from TAS Insurance Agency.

Liability protection

Think of the financial consequences if your products cause harm to your customers? From medical costs to legal suits, the financial loss can grind your business to a halt. Thankfully, investing in commercial insurance cushions you against bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury you cause to third parties.

Assets protection

If a fire ravages your business assets, your business operations are likely to be disrupted. In the process, you will incur financial losses due to property damage and business interruption. Luckily, you can invest in commercial property insurance to cushion your assets from perils like fire, theft, vandalism, and so on.

Employee protection

Your business isn’t about assets only. In your staff, you have invaluable assets that are the difference between failure and success for your business. Since employees are one of your biggest assets, protecting them with insurance makes a lot of sense. Worker’s comp insurance protects your employees against illnesses and injuries sustained while working for you.

It pumps up your reputation

Want to set your business apart from rivals? Consider business insurance. Customers and suppliers want to transact with a business where they know that they are protected should anything goes amiss. Business insurance boosts your credibility, giving you a competitive edge over rivals.

Buy commercial insurance today!

Looking for commercial insurance in Phillipsburg, NJ? Look no further than TAS Insurance Agency. Let’s take care of your business insurance needs as you concentrate on more pressing needs.

Buying Commercial Insurance in Phillipsburg, NJ

Business owners need a certain amount of business or commercial insurance to stay secure. I’ll discuss how you invest both time and money in your business and you don’t want to risk lawsuits due to personal injury or other negligence cases that can wipe you out without protection.

Normalcy Bias Debunked

No matter how careful you are, there are situations that you can find yourself in that can lead to errors on your part. If these errors damage someone or hurt someone in any way, if they are able to show negligence, you can end up owing monetary damages to them. This can be devastating.

To Err is Human

A great writer once said, "To err is human; to forgive, divine." (William Shakespeare). William Shakespeare must have known that sooner or later, someone would make a mistake that could cost them. Or maybe you have a customer that is hard to deal with and they decide to bring action against you.

TAS Insurance Agency understands this and they want to help business owners feel secure about legal protection. Insurance allows you to have legal protection for those times when you make a mistake. 

Where to Start

If you are in the market for commercial insurance, start with a visit to TAS Insurance Agency in Phillipsburg. They can go over the requirements in the state of New Jersey, as well as show you what kind of commercial insurance you need in order to make sure your business is protected, as well as all of the other aspects of your life.

Because remember…to err is human. To forgive, TAS Insurance Agency in Phillipsburg, NJ suggests that the most important kind of forgiveness is the kind you use before the mistake happens. Come see us for all your insurance needs. 

Who needs commercial insurance in New Jersey?

The Phillipsburg, NJ area has continued to be a great place to live. Those that are here may quickly find that it is also a good place to own a business. If you are a business owner in this area of the state, you should get insurance for your company. There are several situations when you may need to get this coverage in place for your company.

Those with Business Loans or Outside Capital

When you need to get commercial insurance coverage, you will take out a loan or raise outside capital. Anyone who would like to raise outside equity or debt will have to comply with the investor or lender’s standards regarding insurance. Normally, they will have very specific insurance requirements that you need to meet at all times. If you do not maintain this coverage, you could find yourself in default and have to repay the outstanding money.

Those that Want to Protect Company

You will also want to get a commercial insurance plan when you want to protect your company. Any business that is in New Jersey would benefit greatly from this coverage. With a commercial insurance plan, you can get the coverage you need to mitigate your commercial liability risk and protection of business assets. 

Those who will start a company in the Phillipsburg, NJ area should make sure that they get proper insurance for their business. When you speak with the TAS Insurance Agency team, you can learn a lot more about your options. The insurance professionals at TAS Insurance Agency can help you assess your business risks and build a policy that will offer the right mitigation for these risks. Contact our office for a quote.